Feb 07 , 2019
How to Become a Morning Person
How to Become a Morning Person
6 ways to learn how to become a morning person (and love it!)
If you’ve ever tried setting your alarm a few hours earlier than normal in hopes of tuning up your productivity, you’ve probably realized it’s easier said than done. Learning how to become a morning person doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it can be a pretty difficult adjustment if you’re used to being a night owl. But if you’re here there’s probably a reason why you want to make the change.
Maybe you want to become a morning exerciser, or work on your personal business ventures. Perhaps you want to create more time for meal prepping, so you don’t come home from work to take-out food each night. Regardless of your reason, if you want to become a morning person, you can definitely do it. You might even learn to like it. Imagine that?
1. Make it gradual
Have you ever tried to wake up 2-3 hours earlier than normal thinking you’d get so much done? If so, you probably spent the day feeling groggy and miserable. That’s because becoming a morning person takes adjusting. Give yourself a few days, or weeks to adjust to a new routine by slowing adapting your waking schedule. For example, if you’re used to waking up at 10am, you’ll want to start by setting your alarm for 9:30am. Give it a day or two depending how difficult it is for you to get up, and then aim for 9am. Slowly roll back the clock until you reach the time you want to wake up over the coming days or weeks.
2. Sleep smarter
You obviously can’t expect to keep going to bed at midnight, if you want to start getting up earlier. So keep this rule in mind: the earlier you wake, the earlier you sleep. Waking up earlier shouldn’t mean cutting out sleep, you definitely still want your 7-8 hours of rest. Adjusting your sleep schedule can be almost as difficult as adjusting your waking times. You might not instantly feel tired enough to start going to bed earlier. Focus on smart techniques to help prepare your body for rest. Avoid stimulating lights an hour before bed and focus on relaxing instead. Finish your last meal an hour or two before you plan to sleep, and avoid caffeine after noon. Much like your waking schedule, gradually heading to bed earlier can help your body adjust over time to sleeping earlier in the night.
3. Relocate your alarm clock
If your alarm clock is right next to your pillow, pretty much begging you to hit snooze, it’s time to relocate. The best place for your alarm clock is the other side of your bedroom. That way once it goes off, you’ll have to get out of bed to shut it off. Getting up to turn off your alarm clock increases the likelihood that you’ll resist going back to bed. Just keep standing.
4. Brighten things up
Open your blinds, or turn on a lamp to bring some light into your room. No one likes the rude awakening that light brings to that groggy half-sleeping state you’re in, but it’ll only last a few minutes. Flip the switch, and let yourself adjust to the light as you start to wake up.
5. Eat breakfast
A cup of coffee isn’t enough to make your exhaustion disappear. In fact, we challenge you to ditch the coffee altogether. Start your morning with a big glass of water with lemon. Eat a healthy breakfast to fuel your morning. Get some protein and carbohydrates in for a slow sustaining energy release to keep you alert through your morning meetings. Try a bowl of overnight oats, or a smoothie with a scoop of protein powder.
6. Get moving
Exercise can help boost your energy in the morning. If you’re waking up early, you’ll have more time to fit it in, leaving you with less excuses to avoid it later. Exercising in the morning has also shown in studies to benefit productivity at work. Head out for a morning jog or bike ride to get your heart pumping, or make an appearance at the gym.
With these tips you’ll be feeling more vibrant and awake in the mornings in just a few short weeks. We’re sure you’ll love it!