Alpha Supreme MCT Oil 1L*

Alpha Supreme MCT Oil MCT 60/40 OIL As a dietary supplement, take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 1 to 3 times daily. Alpha' Supreme MCT-Oil can also be used as a substitute for conventional oils. It can be mixed with fruit juices, used on salads, in salad dressings, sauces or added...



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Alpha Supreme MCT Oil

MCT 60/40 OIL As a dietary supplement, take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 1 to 3 times daily. Alpha' Supreme MCT-Oil can also be used as a substitute for conventional oils. It can be mixed with fruit juices, used on salads, in salad dressings, sauces or added to smoothies as a source of beneficial fatty acids. Not recommended for use in frying or high heat applications.

Alpha MCT-Oil - Medium chain triglycerides (MCT)
MCTs are more rapidly digested than other conven- tional types of fats. MCTs break down rapidly in the liver and are metabolized differently for easy intestinal absorption. MCTs are reportedly used to encourage an increase in energy expenditure while decreasing fat storage.

Alpha MCT-Oil can be mixed with fruit juices or protein shakes used on salads and vegetables or in sauces. You can cook with MCT-Oil at low temperatures. However, MCTs are not recommended for frying or high heat food preparation.

MCT Oils are a favourite amoung athletes

Athletes have known for years what many others are just discovering - MCT Oil supplies energy to the muscles, but is not stored as body fat

It's true. Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) Oil is not metabolized by the liver, which means it is quickly metabolized to supply an enormous amount of power for hard workouts, distance and endurance.

However, this does not mean one should substitute MCT Oil for other valuable and healthy Omega 3 oils, such as unrefined flax seed, hemp, pumpkin or walnut oil. Both MCT Oil and Coconut Oil, which is naturally high in MCTs, have absolutely none of the Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids.

Adding 20 ml MCT oil to your daily meals can be done in a number of different ways. For instance, try the following delicious and healthy promoting recipes.

Tasty MCT-Oil Salad Dressing

In a Personal Blender first mix
• Juice of 1⁄2 lemon
• 20ml 1 clove garlic
• 1⁄2 tsp seasoning salt – eg. Herbamare

then add

• 4 tsp freshly pressed flax oil,
alternatively hemp, pumpkin, walnut oil, or a mixture of any combination of these
• 4 tsp MCT-Oil mix again in blender and mix in with salad. Leafy greens are best suited, with onions and radishes.

Optional: add to he above basic dressing as a flavor variety either one of the following 2 heaping tsp nutritional yeast flakes 2 tbsp natural plain yogurt, with or without 1 tbsp Roquefort cheese 1 tblsp sesame tahini, almond or hazelnut butter 1⁄2 ripe avocado. Makes 2 servings of a large leafy green, lettuce salad.

MCT-Oil for endurance
The sports nutrition field has been quick to realize the value in substituting MCT- Oil for other dietary fats and oils. It has quickly become a favourite, instant fuel and energy source for many athletes, including marathon runners and others who participate in endurance sports.

For those athletes who find it difficult to consume sufficient total energy, con- sumption of 2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 grams) of MCT-Oil may prove to be beneficial. MCT-Oil is burned differently than other fats, so taking this small amount is a good way to ensure that athletes can meet their needs. Consult your physical trainer or other natural health professional for specific guidance.

a Boon for Diabetics
In our society where type 2 diabetes is now an epidemic we know a lot about control- ling blood sugar levels with daily insulin shots. What most people don't know, unfor- tunately, is that with the help of specific types of fatty acids, medium chain triglyc- erides (MCTs) diabetes can be prevented in the first place. If diabetes is already an issue, MCTs can help prevent some of the many complications that come with it.

High blood pressure, stroke, heart ailments, hearing loss, and amputations are all possible complications from diabetes that can lead to extremely ill health and early death. Diabetes itself is usually caused by too much intake of simple carbohydrates, which is why diabetics need to restrict their intake of sugar and starch.

Sugar turns into glucose and requires insulin to enter the cells. If this doesn't happen, as is the case in diabetes, the glucose becomes body fat, making blood vessels narrower and causing an interruption in blood circulation. This is why numbness in the feet (neuropa- thy) is a common complication of diabetes.

The MCTs in coconut oil, or MCT-Oil, do not require insulin because they easily pass through the cell's membrane. Bruce Fife, who is a respected naturopathic doctor and author of a number of books about coconut oil, states, "Not only are MCTs in coconut oil able to feed the cells without the need of insulin, they also help improve insulin secretion insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance."

One important factor that research has con- cluded and is extremely relevant for diabetics is the need to drastically reduce the intake of Omega 6 seed oils (sunflower, safflower, soy and canola) to less than 2 percent of total fat intake, replacing them with MCTs. Coconut oil may therefore be the best fat for diabetics.


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